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Manhattan's Bicycle & Pedestrian Systems Plan

This update to the current 20+ year old Bike Master Plan will provide a clear path forward for MHK. Projects will be prioritized and recommendations on infrastructure will be up to modern standard; separation & protection from vehicles.

Key Dates for you to be Heard:

Tues. Jan 14th:  5:30p  City Commission meeting.  1101 Poyntz Ave

Mon.  Feb 3rd:  7:00p  Planning & Zoning Board.  1101 Poyntz Ave

BPSP - Cover.png

Modern Infrastructure

What do we mean when we say modern standards?  Separation & protection from vehicles!

Watch this short video below shot by BikeWalkMHK members. The location is Evanston, IL.

Sheridan Road runs along the boarder of Northwestern University. It links the business district

of downtown Evanston to the University. Further, student housing is found opposite the University. In short, the set-up is nearly identical to MHK's North Manhattan Ave.  This is what BikeWalkMHK believes N Manhattan Ave should become; a corridor that functions safety & seamlessly for all road users.

Open Streets MHK

See the plan >
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